debian =====Introduction===== Some times, I'm not happy with the Debian's default configuration for some packages, like sudo. That's why I need to rebuild some packages, and put them in a Debian Repository. ====TODO==== * Add gpg stuff * Add pbuilder stuff =====Repository===== At the moment I write this document, debpool is only available in experimental, that's why you need to add the following line to sources.list : deb ../project/experimental main Then, do : # apt-get update # apt-get install install debpool devscripts dupload ====Debpool==== Now, it's time to configure Debpool. ///etc/debpool/ package DebPool::Config; $Options{'archive_dir'} = '/mnt/debian'; $Options{'db_dir'} = "$Options{'archive_dir'}/db"; $Options{'db_dir_mode'} = 0770; $Options{'db_file_mode'} = 0660; $Options{'dists_dir'} = "$Options{'archive_dir'}/dists"; $Options{'dists_dir_mode'} = 0775; $Options{'dists_file_mode'} = 0664; $Options{'incoming_dir'} = "$Options{'archive_dir'}/incoming"; $Options{'incoming_dir_mode'} = 01775; $Options{'installed_dir'} = "$Options{'archive_dir'}/installed"; $Options{'installed_dir_mode'} = 0755; $Options{'installed_file_mode'} = 0644; $Options{'pool_dir'} = "$Options{'archive_dir'}/pool"; $Options{'pool_dir_mode'} = 0755; $Options{'pool_file_mode'} = 0644; $Options{'reject_dir'} = "$Options{'archive_dir'}/reject"; $Options{'reject_dir_mode'} = 0750; $Options{'reject_file_mode'} = 0640; $Options{'lock_file'} = "$Options{'archive_dir'}/.lock"; $Options{'compress_dists'} = 0; $Options{'dists'} = { 'stable' => 'sarge', 'testing' => 'etch', 'unstable' => 'sid', 'experimental' => 'experimental' }; $Options{'sections'} = [ 'main', 'contrib', 'non-free' ]; $Options{'archs'} = [ 'i386', 'sparc' ]; $Options{'gpg_bin'} = '/usr/bin/gpg'; $Options{'gpg_home'} = '/home/asyd/.gnupg'; $Options{'gpg_keyrings'} = [ 'uploaders.gpg' ]; $Options{'gpg_sign_key'} = undef; $Options{'gpg_passfile'} = '/home/asyd/.gnupg/passphrase'; $Options{'log_file'} = '/home/asyd/.debpool/DebPool.log'; 1; As you can see, I just edit few lines, and uncomment lot of others. Now, just run debpool in order to create the skeleton directories. I just modified the umask. ====dupload==== dupload is a small script to upload packages to the repository's server, its configuration is very simple as you can see : package config; $cfg{'asyd'} = { fqdn => '', method => "ftp", incoming => '/incoming', login => 'debian', dinstall_runs => 1, }; # The dinstall on ftp-master sends emails itself # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself $delay = ($ENV{DEBDELAY} || 7); 1; =====Building packages===== ====debuild==== I use the following line to build my packages : # debuild -rfakeroot -sa -uc -us Finally, I just do : # cd .. # dupload --to asyd =====Resume===== * Install packages * Configure ///etc/debpool/ * Configure ///etc/dupload.conf// * Run debpool * Build your packages with debuild * Run dupload * Run debpool again if you don't have create a crontab entry