I'm so happy, I bought a Sun (ultra60, 2x450MHz, 1GB RAM) with a pretty 21" Triniton Sony. At this time, I have a basic Solaris 9, but I downloading Solaris 10's ISO while I'm writing this blog entry :) I'm looking forward to try Solaris's Zone. I even read that will be possible to use a *BSD inside a Solaris Zone. 23h00 While radio playing some nice songs (Pink Floyd, Noir Désir, etc..) I'm working in my NMS project. I also use the mapping feature (in the Debian network configuration file) for the first time. It's quite useful. You just need a script which echo the configuration you want for the interface gived as argument. So my script is simple as: #!/bin/sh CONFIG=/tmp/network.conf if [ -r $CONFIG ]; then cat $CONFIG else echo dhcp fi and the /etc/network/interfaces eth0 part : mapping eth0 script /usr/local/bin/network-config.sh map home home map dhcp dhcp iface home inet static address netmask up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth2 -j MASQUERADE up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iface dhcp inet dhcp up /root/bin/vpn-route.sh **NB** I previously tried map home eth0-home and iface home-eth0 inet ... configuration. But I had errors with ifup using this syntax. [[geeklog::comments::20050301|Comments]]