Now I found a **very** good PKI free software, I try to use it everywhere I need certificates. My first //difficult// task was with IOS. You can find here some notes. Here my IOS config related to my CA : ! crypto ca trustpoint FMSCA enrollment url serial-number source interface Ethernet0 auto-enroll regenerate ! Description / Notes * The enrollment line tell how (the method, here an url -> http) to contact the PKI software. Note: you **must** omit the pkiclient.exe filename at the end which is automagically add by IOS. * serial-number tell to IOS to include the serial number * The name of the trustpoint you use **MUST MATCH** exactly the shortname of your CA in ejbca One you have that, use the command : # crypto ca authenticate FMSCA to fetch the CA certificate. Then, set the password enrollment with the command : # crypto ca enroll FMSCA Then, login to EJBCA, and create a new entity profile looks like : {{ios-profile.jpg}} Check your ejbca logs, you shoud see something like : ERROR [PKCS10RequestMessage] No CN in DN: ERROR [Log4jLogDevice] October 19, 2005 9:48:33 AM CEST, CAId : 0, CA, EVENT_ERROR_USERAUTHENTICATION, Administrator : PUBLICWEBUSER, IP Address :, User : 12013150, Certificate : No Certificate Involved, Comment : Got request for nonexisting user: 12013150 So, you know you must add an entity using the serial Number as username, the password you define in IOS, and serialNumber / unstructuredNamed as subject DN fields. saroumane#sh crypto ca cert Certificate Status: Available Certificate Serial Number: 426FA96340F5D2CA Certificate Usage: General Purpose Issuer: c=FR o=Fimasys cn=Fimasys Security CA Subject: Name: Serial Number: 12013150 serialNumber=12013150 Validity Date: start date: 08:58:28 CET Oct 19 2005 end date: 09:08:28 CET Oct 19 2007 Associated Trustpoints: FMSCA CA Certificate Status: Available Certificate Serial Number: 7AA2B9942CD0D362 Certificate Usage: Signature Issuer: c=FR o=Fimasys cn=Fimasys Security CA Subject: c=FR o=Fimasys cn=Fimasys Security CA Validity Date: start date: 07:29:35 CET Oct 17 2005 end date: 07:39:35 CET Oct 15 2015 Associated Trustpoints: FMSCA [[geeklog:comments:20051018|Comments]]