Welcome to Bruno Bonfils's (aka asyd homepage).
Required packagesAll of them are located in the first software CD :
Remember to reboot with -r argument after install these packages. Physical device
(3 is the number of metadb replicates to use) Locial volume
Import a metadb from an unknow disk/partitionJust add a line like : mddb_bootlist1="sd:71:16:id0"; md_devid_destroy=1; in /kernel/drv/md.conf, read (carefully) Sun's doc Raid 1Ok, since i had a hard disk failure in a production box a monday evening, (a production box for sure) I now trying to setup (software) raid 1 as far it's possible. Check my jumpstart raid 1 profile. That's why - after setting up a box with raid 1 - I'm trying to remove a disk (while the OS running), I didn't have errors. Just remember to do : metareplace -e d0 c1t0d0s0 for each mirror you have. Soft partition with raid 1Create a raid 1 mirror, and use its device for soft partitions Create the mirror metainit d6 1 1 c1t0d0s5 metainit d7 1 1 c1t1d0s5 metainit d8 -m d6 metattach d8 d7 Create a soft partition metainit d10 -p d8 512M |