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Notes on installing cyrus 22 on Solaris 10

Now I have my server, I'm migrating most of my services (mail, web, dns for a dozen domains). I build cyrus22 and its dependencies via the pkgsrc system (using GCC compiler 1) - which comes from NetBSD. Since I had some difficulties, I note my hack here :


  • The Solaris's md5.h doesn't include a structure definition used by cyrus sasl. Though,

the upstream comes with its own header. Edit the file md5.c to have the following includes :

#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <sys/md5.h>
#include "saslauthd_md5.h"
#include "hmac-md5.h"
  • To be zone aware, I replace (in pkgsrc's Makefile) the sysconfdir2) :
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --sysconfdir=/etc/cyrus
  • Create the /var/run/saslauthd directory


1) I know SunStudio 11 is free, the only time I try to use it for pkgsrc, I have lot of difficulties to build some GNU portable (!) applications
2) Though, the saslauthd.conf file configuration is only used for the ldap backend